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Welcome to the Emergency and Safety Institute (E.A.S.I). We are a trusted provider of certification and recertification classes tailored for both healthcare and non-healthcare workers. With our American Heart Association (AHA) certification-approved cards, we offer a comprehensive range of essential training ...
Our PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) class is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to recognize and effectively manage pediatric emergency situations. From respiratory distress to cardiac arrest, our expert instructors will guide you through the latest techniques and protocols to ensure the best possible outcome for your smallest patients.
Meanwhile, our NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) class is focused on providing the latest approaches for neonatal care and resuscitation. We’ll cover everything from airway management and chest compressions to advanced interventions for neonates in distress.
The ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) Classes offered by the Emergency and Safety Institute (E.A.S.I) provide healthcare professionals like us with advanced training in managing cardiac emergencies. In these classes, we learn advanced assessment, treatment techniques, and protocols for cardiac arrest, acute coronary syndromes, and stroke. The emphasis is on developing our critical thinking, decision-making, and hands-on skills through scenario-based simulations. Once we successfully complete the classes, we receive ACLS Certification cards, demonstrating our proficiency in advanced cardiac life support for a period of two years. These classes equip us with the skills and knowledge to confidently and effectively respond to critical cardiac situations, ultimately improving patient outcomes.
All our certification and recertification cards have received official approval from the American Heart Association (AHA).
All our BLS and CPR Red Cross certification and recertification cards have received official approval, authorized and license by American Red Cross (ARC).
AHA = American Heart Association - ARC = American Red Cross
If you're ready to take the next step in your professional development or empower yourself with life-saving skills, we invite you to reach out to us. Contact us today to explore our range of courses and schedule your training session.
Let us help you become better equipped to handle emergencies and make a positive impact in your community!